On Wednesday, October 20th, Dr. Rehmus will review some of the most common skin problems seen in children. She will focus on those conditions seen in everyday practice and which many parents will deal with at some point in time or another. The session will have particular emphasis on eczema, acne, impetigo, and scabies management, and the challenges these conditions present to the patients and their families. In addition, Dr. Rehmus will review the basic principals of dermatology and quickly touch on several of the other most commonly seen skin problems.
Dr. Rehmus is a new dermatologist working at BC Children’s Hospital. Prior to moving to Canada in 2008, she lived and worked in the Republic of Palau, an island nation of 20,000 residents in the Western Pacific, for 2 years. She completed her residency training in 2001 at Stanford University and remained on faculty conducting clinic research until moving to Palau. Her primary interest is in improving access to care in areas that have limited access to resources, particularly in those that are limited by their remote nature. She is actively involved with the American Academy of Dermatology currently serving as the Chair of the Education and Volunteers Abroad Committee.
Download Presentation Slides: Learning Circle Pediatric Dermatology