The UBC Learning Circle welcomes everyone to be part of the learning journey!

We welcome you to take part in the UBC Learning Circle, an ongoing video conference and computer webinar initiative that encourages sharing knowledge about our health and well-being. The UBC Learning Circle is a partnership between the Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Health and the First Nations Health Authority. Our intention is to provide educational and informational opportunities to health care workers and professionals in First Nations communities. The knowledge comes from your sharing of successful health practices and interventions, speakers, researchers and other experts.

Thank you for another fantastic UBCLC season!

We deeply appreciate all the love and support for our Learning Circles. As we transition into the reporting season in the summer months, we’re already looking forward to returning in the fall with brand new Learning Circles to share with you!Did you enjoy our UBCLCs? We would love to hear your feedback. Please take a moment to fill out our 10-minute survey. As a token of our appreciation, your entry will be entered into a draw to win a UBC Learning Circle gift bag filled with goodies from small Indigenous companies. Your input is highly valued, and we appreciate the time and effort you put into sharing your thoughts with us. Thank you once again for being a part of our community


Upcoming Webinars

Stay tuned with UBC Learning Circle:     


The topics we cover can often be sensitive or emotionally triggering. Please make sure that you are looking after yourself. If at any point you feel that you need to talk to a friend, Elder, counselor, or family member: don’t hesitate to do so. Check out our Counseling Support Page.

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