UBCLC Video Libary

Welcome to the UBC Learning Circle Video Library hub!

This page is to help you find the video that you want to watch. You can either look at our entire repetoire or chose a playlist where we have grouped similar themed videos for a seamless transition of viewing/listening! click the corresponding topic of interest:


Quick Find Questions for Videos

There are several different ways to address this problem:

  • If you remember the date of the session, or title feel free to go to our past session page and find it
  • If you remember the topic or the presenter, please visit our UBCLC YouTube Channel and use the search function (this is the little magnifying glass on the right side of the screen - feel free to type in a keyword to search!)
  • If you want to find grouped topics, feel free to browse our UBCLC Playlists to see if there is a topic of interest there!

If the video is not available on the UBC YouTube Channel, there this means that the video was either requested by the presenter to not be disclosed. Or the event did not allow for recording. We are sorry for any inconveniences caused! If you want to double check, feel free to email: learning.circle@ubc.ca to double check!

Videos from year 2019 forward have the audio version available in the session page! Visit our Past Sessions tab to find the video you are interested in to downloads! 

If you are looking for session related questions, or have any other questions please email: learning.circle@ubc.ca. We will more than happy to accommodate you the best we can!