In close collaboration with the First Nations Health Authority, the UBC LC is excited to welcome Dr. Nel Wieman and Dr. Terri Aldred to the circle. Dr. Aldred and Dr. Wieman will be discussing salient topics around the ongoing fight to vaccinate our communities against COVID-19 such as: vaccine development, safety testing, and the differences between the each vaccine. This session will look to create a space for all of us to share our concerns, dispel some myths around the safety of these vaccines, and connect with one another.
Thank you for your interest and participation!
This session’s video is now available for viewing.
Thank you to everyone for your continued interest in our events.
We would like to reiterate that everyone is welcome to our UBCLC sessions.
Our events aim to embody a safe space for everyone of all different backgrounds to have their opinions and voices equally heard.
Date: Thursday, February 24th, 2021 (PST)
Time: 10 a.m. to 11:30 am
Where: Videoconference OR internet webinar.
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About the Presenters:
Dr. Nel Wieman
Nel is Canada’s first female Indigenous psychiatrist (Anishnawbe – Little Grand Rapids First Nation, Manitoba). She completed her medical degree and psychiatry specialty training at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.
She has over 20+ years of clinical experience, working with Indigenous people in both rural/on-reserve and urban settings. Her previous research activities include co-directing an Indigenous health research program in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto and the National Network for Indigenous Mental Health Research, being the Deputy Chair of Health Canada’s Research Ethics Board and serving on CIHR’s Governing Council. She has also worked and taught in many academic settings, has chaired national advisory groups within FNIHB-Health Canada and has served on many boards and committees, including the Indspire Foundation’s Board of Directors. She is an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University and an Assistant Clinical Professor at McMaster University.
She was recently re-elected to a second 3-year term as President of the Indigenous Physicians Association in Canada (IPAC).
Nel’s clinical, academic and advocacy work has always been focused on improving the health and mental health status of Indigenous peoples, especially Indigenous youth, across Canada.
Dr. Terri Aldred
Terri Aldred from the Tl’Azt’En territory located north of Fort St. James. She is Lysiloo (Frog) Clan who are traditionally known as the voice of the people. She follows her mother’s and Great-Grandmother’s line Cecilia Pierre (Prince). Terri grew up in both the inner city of Prince George and on the Tachet reserve (in Lake Babine Territory) and these experiences helped motivate her to go to medical school so she could give back to her community. Terri has a Bachelor of Health Science Degree and a Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Alberta. She then went on to complete the Indigenous Family Medicine residency program through the University of British Columbia. At present, Terri is the Site Director for the Indigenous Family Medicine Program, Family Physician for the Carrier Sekani Family Services Primary Care team that serve12 communities in north-central BC, the Medical Director for Primary Care for FNHA, and the Indigenous Lead for the RCcBC. Sna Chaylia.
- FNHA resources on Covid-19
- BC Government COVID-19 Web Portal
BC Government COVID-19 App & Self-Assessment Tool
BCCDC COVID-19 Website
BC Pharmacy Association: Your Pharmacist Can Help
Government of Canada COVID-19 App & Self-Assessment Tool
Government of Canada Quick Reference Contact Information
HealthLink BC: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Public Health Agency of Canada COVID-19 info line: 1-833-784-4397
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