An Amulet for Soul Retrieval, painting by Dr. Patricia Vickers
Our ancestors on the North West Coast of British Columbia believe that when a person experiences a traumatic event, such as a near drowning, that a part of their soul is lost, it breaks away and remains in the geographic location until healing is sought to retrieve the missing part of the victim. When we lose a part of self through trauma, through violence, through abuse or neglect, this is called soul loss.
Soul retrieval is the ability to return to the traumatic event to retrieve the missing part of self. Returning enables the soul–emotions, beliefs and physiological experiences–to become clear. Returning enables the individual to bring together splintered parts of spirit, body and mind.
Session Video:
PDF of Dr. Vickers’ PowerPoint Presentation
Everyone welcome to participate:
Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am (PST)
Place: Webinar or Video Conference
View system requirements
Registration: required to participate
*Registration for this session now closed*
About the Presenter:
*Feature Image photo: Courtesy of Roy Vickers, “The Chiefs are Waiting”
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