We welcome to the UBC Learning Circle, Willow Thickson, Medical Student of UBC, for a Youth Circle on the healing of dance, art, and culture…
Dance has the power to improve self-esteem and physical strength, as well as enhance one’s connection to place and community relationships. In this Youth Circle we will discuss dance as a well-being practice, and consider: how the presenter was introduced to dance; the role dancing has played in their youth; their thoughts on dance as supporting health and well-being; their thoughts on stigma around movement and the body, and ways to overcome this; their suggestions for youth who may not know dance but would like to incorporate dance into their lives in a fun and care-free way.
Session Video:
PDF version of her PPT Presentation:
Everyone welcome to participate:
Date: Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am (PST)
Place: Webinar or Video Conference
View system requirements
Registration: required to participate
**Registrations are now Closed**
About the Presenter:
Willow Thickson is an Anishinaabe/Cree/Metís second year medical student currently studying at the University of British Columbia. She is on the medical undergraduate student council as the Indigenous Health Representative, sits on the board of CAPE – Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, and is the National Officer of Indigenous Health for the CFMS (Canadian Federation of Medical Students).
Willow is a jingle dancer and has been a dancer of various styles since a young age. She has trained with the Alberta Ballet, performed at opening ceremonies, in music videos, and as a back up dancer at concerts. At 12 she got apprehended by child and family services to be placed in group home/foster home and believes that hip-hop, break dance, and traditional culture saved her life.
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