Photographer Nadya Kwandibens
Do you want to learn about gathering native plants ? Interested in hearing about some yummy recipe ideas?
Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2016
Join us for Spring snacks and summer treats gathered on the trail with the Traditional Plant Practitioner, Carrielynn Victor(Xemontalot).
The Stó:lō Nation traditional plant practitioner is from the Cheam First Nation. Her gathering includes a variety of plants and medicines.
Session Video:
- Where did you learn how to gather native plants?
- How can we gather edible plants and medicines in a good way?
- What are some traditional and contemporary snacks that you make?
Carrielynn Victor – Xemontélót
Born into an Indigo generation, with an innate desire to make progressive change through art, voice and action, Carrielynn is fueled by the passion to leave positive imprints within the earth and the people. It is important to recognize the decisions we make today create ripples that travel inward and outward. Carrielynn’s ancestors come from around the world, with ancestors from Scottish, English and Irish decent arriving in the Americas in the early 1600’s and Coast Salish ancestors that have been sustained by S’olh Téméxw (Our Territory) since time immemorial. Carrielynn was born and raised in Coast Salish territory, or the Fraser Valley, nurtured by many parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles.
Carrielynn currently lives in the community her late father came from, Cheam, and works for the Stó:lō Tribal Council & The People of the River Referrals Office, providing research for Rights & Title matters as well as serving in a liaison role to community leadership. Among the ways Carrielynn is compelled to express herself are: HipHop and Blues music singing and songwriting, contemporary Coast Salish Design in various forms, hosting workshops, traditional Salish dance and song, Storytelling, harvesting and preparing traditional medicines & foods and writing for independent media. More recently Carrielynn has been taking on the role of a speaker, Live MMA events, Salish ceremony, weddings and public events.
Bookings and Inquiries: Carrielynn.Victor@gmail.com 604-997-3211
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