Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Join us at the UBC Learning Circle live for the airing of Community Conversation on HIV/AIDS in First Nations Communities, with Olivia Reynolds, Rodney Little Mustache, Emma Palmantier, and Harlan Pruden. Our rich and diverse Indigenous panel will share their cutting edge expertise during our Community dialogue on HIV/AIDS.
Session Video:
Topics of discussion:
- What does “including youth in their own education and in the HIV movement” look like? Why is this so important?
- What is PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis) and how could it be used to protect First People from HIV?
- What does self-care look like for those who have been exposed and/or contracted HIV?
About The Presenters:
Olivia Reynolds is a young Indigenous woman from the Kebaowek First Nation. She has worked with Indigenous youth and communities in a number of capacities, but recently started working for YouthCO HIV & Hep C Society as a Yúusnewas Outreach Educator. Olivia enjoys having the opportunity to create safe spaces to have open conversations about sexual health and identity. She strongly believes in the power of peer education and supporting youth to educate themselves and others on information pertaining to their sexual health. She does this work through an indigenous lens and encourages youth to see their health holistically.
Rodney Little Mustache is from the Piikani Nation from the land of the Niisitapi, Maistoo’a waastaan (Crow Flag) aka. Rodney CommLittle Mustache. He is part of a new group for Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS – P.A.W. Council of British Columbia (Positive Aboriginal Warriors) and a member of the University and External Relations Committee, in addition to being a Semi-Advocate for people living with HIV/AIDS. Rodney is in his 2nd year in the Faculty of Art: Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice and has been HIV positive for the past 21 years and was hepatitis C until October 6th, 2015. Little Mustache’s front line HIV/AIDS work and volunteerism is woven along side of his speaking engagements on HIV/AIDS, and social justice issues.
Harlan Pruden (First Nations Cree/nēhiyaw) is the Managing Editor of the,an interactive multi-platform Two-Spirit media/news site. Harlan works with the Two-Spirit (LGBT Native) community locally, nationally and internationally. Currently, Harlan serves as the principal consultant to the US’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Tribal Training and Technical Assistance Center and is a member of US’ Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.
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