Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2015
In our somewhat new world of technology, which by the way, our children were born into, we still have to strive towards creating a “safe space” no matter where they go.
Welcome the second and final part of our a 2-part series on Digital Health & Wellness for Communities.
Denise Findlay, a regular guest on UBCLC is back and sharing with us a new presentation as she is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Education at Simon Fraser University focussing on Contemplative Inquiry and Approaches in Education and has completed a 2 year Advanced Studies program through the Neufeld Institute. Denise will be sharing Dr. Neufeld’s new information in this session “Raising Children in a Digital World: an insightful analysis that reveals a way through”.
“The digital revolution has happened so quickly that it has caught most of us off guard. Yet the digital world is here to stay, changing our society in ways that have far-reaching consequences for our children. What are the implications for parenting? How do we harness the spectacular connecting potential and yet avoid the pitfalls of attachment technology gone awry? How do we prepare them to live in this new world and yet preserve what is required for healthy development to take place? We have followed our children into the digital world and yet for their sakes as well as ours, need to restore our lead in order to avoid the insidious dangers that live in the shadows of this potent technology.”
Denise will present Dr. Neufeld’s look at the digital revolution as a developmentalist committed to helping parents help their children become all they were meant to be. He not only explains the drive underlying today’s digital technology but also points to a way through.
Although this presentation is targeted towards parents, aunties and uncles and all guardians or mentors to youth, everyone is welcome to participate including youth themselves!
About the Presenter:
Denise Findlay, CPCC, ACC
Educator, Facilitator and Consultant
Owner of Kweykway Consulting
Denise is a First Nations Facilitator who weaves together years of professional and personal experience working with people.Denise’s journey has led her to working in First Nations communities throughout Canada, including her own community The Squamish Nation where she currently works providing parent support to families who have children with FASD and other developmental disorders.
Denise is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Education at Simon Fraser University focussing on Contemplative Inquiry and Approaches in Education ( and has completed a 2 year Advanced Studies program through the Neufeld Institute ( where she learned to apply developmental attachment theory in the healing of communities. Denise is an Neufeld Facilitator and Online Course Assistant. Denise also holds a Diploma in Business Management from Capilano University, an Instructor’s Certificate from the Justice Institute, and a BC Provincial Instructors Diploma from VCC. She is a Certified Professional Coach certified through the Coaches Training Institute (CTI), and has advanced training in Systems Coaching. Denise has spent a significant amount of time studying Process Psychology as it applies to relationships and groups navigating change and experiencing conflict with Dr. Stephen Schuiteveorder as her mentor. As well, Denise draws on Dr. Martin Brokenleg’s Circle of Courage model for reclaiming youth.
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