Date: Thursday, April 23, 2015
- Are you a professional in the helping fields who’s interested in a more effectively addressing your clients’ stress and trauma symptoms?
- Would you like a gentle and highly effective psycho-biological approach to preventing and resolving trauma and stress-related conditions?
- Would you like to understand the science behind Somatic Experiencing® (SE®) and how it can help your clients recover?
Somatic Experiencing®, developed by Peter A. Levine, PhD, bestselling author of, “Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma,” and recipient of the 2010 USABP Lifetime Award, is based on the physiological study of how animals in the wild process and recover from stress and life-threatening situations. SE is a profoundly effective method of gently addressing trauma and stress-related conditions based on the premise that the nervous system inherently knows how to return to balance if given the right support.
This Somatic Experiencing introductory webinar/video conference will provide you with an interactive overview of the basic concepts and theory of SE®. Composed of lecture and experiential exercises, this workshop will lend a new perspective on our biological capacity to heal trauma and stress-related conditions. If you currently have a practice that brings you into relationship with people who have symptoms of stress or trauma, or who simply are challenged by the demands of modern life, this presentation will give you a new, refreshing perspective to support your work. If you are curious about the extended SE Professional Training, attending this event is an ideal way to explore how the professional training may benefit your practice.
Session Video
In this 90 min. Introductory Workshop you will learn:
- What is Somatic Experiencing® and how does it differ from other methods?
- What are trauma symptoms from a biological perspective?
- How to work with the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and the “lower” brain structures that mediate immediate and ongoing survival responses.
- Summarize SE®’s unique professional training offered through the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute (SETI)
About the Presenter
Dea Parsanishi, Med, CCC, SEP
SE Trauma Institute faculty member, Dea Parsanishi, has been working with traumatized children, youth and adults for over 20 years. She lives in a small culturally diverse community on the west coast of Vancouver Island, where she practices SE® with a particular focus on early developmental trauma and attachment. Dea’s SE® practice has been profoundly affected by her work with local First Nations communities and healers, and by their natural and ancient relationship to the underlying principles of SE®. Their ability to heal within this container of culture and community reinforces her belief in SE® and the power of our innate, organic intelligence. Dea brings this awareness of culture, family, human development and attachment to her teaching, bridging theory to practice.
Somatic Experiencing® Training
Are you interested in learning more about Somatic Experiencing® at an in-person workshop?
Download this year’s 2015 training poster to read about upcoming opportunities.
Link to Dea Parsanishi Profile
PDF of Power Point Presentation- SE Intro Webinar (sorry this is not available now)
Somatic Experiencing® Training Website
Link to book by Dr. Levine- ‘Walking The Tiger’
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