During this session Denise will build upon the topic of the ‘ABC’s of Growing Up’ through the crucial components of attachment, becoming and community. Denise will share her passion for social / emotional development as a primary focus in terms of education outcomes. This subject will be delivered from a emotional wellness perspective with the message that growth is spontaneous if conditions are right, and she will explore ways to create those conditions so growth unfolds as intended.
Session Video
Session Topics
- Attachment: What role does attachment play in the healthy growth and development of a child at all stages? How can we be sure that we are providing for a child’s attachment needs? Is the child attaching as intending, or are the attachments misaligned? How do we ensure that children are attaching to the adults responsible for them so that the child is teachable and values and culture can be passed on? What does it look like when attachment is misaligned and how can we work to get it back on track?
- Becoming: What conditions are necessary for a child to become who they are meant to be in the world? What is necessary for a child to blossom into their full potential? How can we help a child to mature and individuate becoming a person of their own with their own mind and able to stand on their own two feet in the world? What does it look like when a child is stuck and not individuating and what can we do to help?
- Community: How does a child become a social being able to integrate into society without losing themselves? How do we raise children who are considerate, caring and responsible? As caregivers, what do we need to be aware of in terms of fostering this kind of development in our children and what conditions give rise to a lack of empathy? How do we work with children who have become desensitized and have developed alienating characteristics?
About the Presenter
Resources and Links
- PDF of Powerpoint Presentation
- Neufeld Institute Website
- Resilience In Development (Masten and Reed 2002)
Video of The ABC’s of Growing Up!
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