The UBC Learning Circle invites First Nations Health Directors to a special live presentation by public health physicians from First Nations and Inuit Health to discuss their current roles, the transition to the First Nations Health Authority, and how they can best support you in your goals of achieving wellness in your communities.
Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Time: 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Please note the time has been changed from the original start at 10 a.m.)
Place: Participate by video conference OR online via computer webinar (Adobe Connect). Not sure which method to choose? Click here to learn about the difference between video conference and computer webinar.
Who Should Attend?: This session is oriented towards Health Directors, but any interested individuals are welcome to attend.
Naomi Dove, MD MPH FRCPC, Director of Health Promotion and Prevention, First Nations and Inuit Health – BC Region
Isaac Sobol, MD, CCFP, MHSc, Acting Director of Health Protection, First Nations and Inuit Health – BC Region
Shannon Tania Waters, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, Director of Health Surveillance, First Nations and Inuit Health
Session objectives include:
- An introduction to the physicians’ roles as Medical Health Officers
- Clarification of their roles as Medical Health Officers with respect to mental health emergencies and suicide prevention/mental wellness promotion
- A ‘Talking Circle’ with Health Directors regarding their priorities in this area and how MHO’s individual roles can best support Health Directors
- Identifying how these MHOs work together to support Health Directors to achieve wellness in their communities
About the Presenters
Dr. Naomi Dove is the Director of Health Promotion and Prevention at First Nations Inuit Health Branch in Vancouver. Naomi is originally from rural Northwestern Ontario, but has lived in BC since 1997. She completed her medical degree and specialty training in Public Health and Preventive Medicine at the University of British Columbia, which included 2 years of clinical training in psychiatry. Her portfolios at FNIH include early childhood development, chronic disease and injury prevention, and mental health and wellness. She is very excited to be involved in the transition to the First Nations Health Authority.
Dr. Isaac Sobol graduated from Queen’s University medical school in 1985.
His first job was working as a family physician in the Metis community of Ile-a-la-Crosse in Saskatchewan. From there, he went to work for the Nisga’a Health Board as family physician and Medical Officer of Health. He lived in the Nisga’a community of New Aiyansh for 7 years. He then completed a residency in Community Medicine and obtained an MHSc degree at UBC.
His next employment was at the UBC Faculty of Medicine where he was Director of the Division of Aboriginal Peoples’ Health.He accepted the position as Chief Medical Officer of Health for Nunavut in 2005 and remained in that position until 2011.
Dr. Sobol served on the Advisory Board of the Institute of Aboriginal Health of CIHR for two terms, and he has been a member of the Advisory Board of the National Collaborating Centre since its inception.
Currently he is the Acting Director of Health Protection, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch in Vancouver.
Dr. Shannon Tania Waters is a Coast Salish physician and a member of Stz’uminus First Nation on Vancouver Island. She worked as a family doctor close to her home in Duncan, then after two years in family practice Dr. Waters returned to school and completed her specialty training in Public Health and Preventive Medicine. Dr. Waters now works as the Director of Health Surveillance at First Nations Inuit Health Branch in Vancouver and is involved in First Nations health information governance, eHealth and is excited to be involved in the formation of the new First Nations Health Authority.
Presentation Now Available
Click here to download a copy of the PowerPoint presentation that was shown at this Learning Circle.
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