What Does Abuse or Neglect of Older Adults Look Like? How Can Elder Abuse be Prevented and Addressed Appropriately?
The UBC Learning Circle is partnering with Vancouver Coastal Health Aboriginal Strategic Initiatives to bring you a videoconference session on how to respond to the neglect and abuse of Elders. Please consider joining us for this videoconference session regarding the ReAct Resources Overview.
Session Video:
ReAct Resources Overview: Video-Conferencing Session
What? The ReAct program provides information about the identification, assessment and reporting of situations involving abuse, neglect and self-neglect of vulnerable adults.
This session will include an overview of the ReAct materials and how it can be utilized to facilitate dialogues and education events in your communities to raise awareness and coordinate community responses to abuse and neglect of older or vulnerable adults. Discussions and case examples will be used to learn how we could intervene appropriately in cases of neglect or abuse.
When? Tuesday, March 5, 2013 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Where? Participation is via videoconference. Please visit the UBC Learning Circle website to register your videoconference site.
Registration deadline for UBC Learning Circle participants is February 28 at 4:00 p.m. as there will be a test run/training session from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. on Monday, March 4. Our technical support staff will contact you prior to this testing session. If you require technical support with your videoconference equipment during this training session or the live session on March 5, please call 1-877-666-3211.
Who should attend? Open to Health Authority staff and First Nations and Aboriginal Community Members – Everyone welcome!
For more information on the Vancouver Coastal Health First Nations ReAct manual, please see http://www.vchreact.ca/aboriginal_manual.htm
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