iNtercultural Online health Network (iCON): Co-Developing a Resource for BC First Nations Communities
We invite you to come and share your experiences and knowledge of practical and culturally appropriate methods of chronic disease prevention and self-management.
On Wednesday March 23rd, the iNterCultural Online Health Network (iCON) team from the UBC Faculty of Medicine’s eHealth Strategy Office will share their experiences with a chronic disease prevention and self-management education program in BC’s multicultural communities. Since 2007, iCON has partnered with Chinese- and Punjabi-speaking communities in BC to host live and webcast forums on diabetes, healthy heart, dementia, liver disease, and mental wellness. Information presented is interactive, culturally sensitive, language-appropriate and presented by community-based health professionals.
iCON is beginning a process to partner with First Nations communities across BC to deliver culturally relevant chronic disease prevention and self-management education.
The session will include a discussion of:
1. iCON’s background and current community-based activities
2. Your input and ideas for adapting iCON as a potential resource that may be useful in your community
And, as a sample of potential iCON resources, a few tools on managing diabetes:
3. How to get the most out of doctor’s appointments – self-empowerment and ‘good’ questions
4. Practical guide to diabetes: top 10 tips
Please join us and share your thoughts on how iCON can best be harmonized with current health initiatives in your communities.